Software for any business model

Our most important criterion is that the project is a meaningful one in which we can add real value with our expertise.

We are not bound to specific industries. Our developers have many years of experience in various areas and can familiarise themselves with practically any business sector. In fact, we often encounter similar challenges across different industries, so our knowledge is easily transferable, whether you are a small start-up or a large corporation.

Our key services

When does
custom software
make sense?

If at least one of these points is applicable to you,
we should talk!

process launch

01. Discovery phase

We first want to gain a deeper understanding of your business model and requirements. So we familiarise ourselves with your current situation, goals, processes and pain points by talking to all relevant stakeholders.

~ 1 week

02. Detailed analysis

If individual software seems to be the best course of action, we go into more detail and outline work packages weighted according to risk and estimate the respective effort.

2–3 weeks

03. Decision-making

Based on the work packages, our clients have a sound basis for selecting and prioritising them and determining the next stage.

04. Implementation

It is time for the implementation, where we aim for a first technical breakthrough, a proof of concept, an experiment in an internal environment or an MVP to be tested in front of real customers.

05. First results

  • Technical breakthrough
  • Proof of concept
  • Experiment
  • MVP

Our team

Product Owner

The Product Owner is primarily responsible for the technicality and control of the outcome. They formulate requirements and check the functionality, usability and quality of the results. We sometimes work together with external product owners of the client or partner, but can also provide this role within our team.

  • Define roadmap and vision
  • Backlog management
  • Stakeholder management
  • Planning milestones
Picture of our CEO.

Interested in a customised solution?

Contact us now